Knowledge Bank - Increment Hit Count for Contributors

It's been identified that the hit counter in Knowledge Bank articles does not increase in some instances.  After testing, it appears as though it's designed not to increment the count if someone marked as a 'Contributor' (an author or something who made a Major Edit by unchecking the Minor Edit box).

Although I can see the basic logic in this, in that the person who created the article shouldn't be counted against usage, it doesn't fit into the KCS method very well; in some cases I've created technical instructions for myself to use, but as the counter doesn't go up when I access the article it will never show just how in demand the article is (others may think it's suitable for expiry or deletion).

In order to accurately measure demand of KB articles, I'd suggest that the Hit Count increment each time the article is opened, regardless of who does it.  This will allow for multiple Contributors and a more true measure of how often the article is read.

  • Alexander Nuutinen
  • Oct 11 2017
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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