Would like Stakeholders to be attached to KB articles. Need to distribute change notifications to others besides contributors

Lots of people involved with KB articles and no way to notify them
  • Product Management Alemba
  • May 18 2015
  • Awaiting Release Assignment
  • Attach files
  • Alexander Nuutinen commented
    April 16, 2018 07:22

    I've had our application admin team create an 'Involved Groups' multi-select on each template, which is mandatory to fill out, so that teams involved with that article are listed.  The purpose behind this would be to export or search on a knowledge domain for a particular group, so they can review knowledge articles applicable to them and see what articles they're using most frequently.

    Definitely an up-vote from me:  It'd be great if there was a standard way to do this in the Knowledge Article without having to manually modify anything.

  • Guest commented
    July 13, 2015 04:11

    Also add stakeholders as a search criteria across all relevant search pages

  • +2