Restrict knowledge articles to particular IPK groups

We use the matching knowledge panel to display relevant KB articles when an analyst is completing a call. It would be great if we could assign KB articles to particular IPK groups. For example, Server installation and configuration documents would only be visible to our Infrastructure Services IPK group and internal business application KB articles would only be visible to the Application Support IPK group. Multiple groups would need to be able to be assigned to KB articles for analysts who cross teams, or for KB articles that are relevant to more than one IPK group.

  • Guest
  • Aug 17 2018
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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  • Alexander Nuutinen commented
    August 30, 2018 07:11

    I know that the 'Profile' option within KBs has the ability to apply content security...Would this be what you're looking for?

    We've previously used the 'Profile' option as a way of categorising, but given there's a content security option in the administration settings I suspect that we aren't using it correctly; it may be designed to control visibility.

    Happy to be corrected if this isn't the case, but if I'm right it might point you in the right direction.