Allow HTML Boxes to use "Click-Through" Hyperlinks

Currently, if you add something to a HTML configured text field (such as one of the large text fields in a call screen) you cannot "click-through" hyperlinks added to that field. 

If there are any external information sources that will be useful in a call for a technician to look at for reference, or possibly a link to a separate call in a separate call logging system (such as one used for a development team) the technician cannot use the hyperlink in the "standard" manner, and instead will have to copy and paste it into a browser or windows explorer address bar. 

Even though it's a relatively minor addition, with a currently suitable workaround, I think it would make the use of external information sources or whatever else hyperlinks might be used for, much more accessible, and would promote the use of them. 

  • Jacob Welsh
  • Nov 14 2016
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files