Create Dynamic Hyperlinks in Designer

Currently Hyperlinks are limited to 'hard coded' text when creating them in vFire.  Would be great to be able to create Hyperlinks feeding in data from fields etc. e.g.


Hyper link: http://servername/Core.aspx?Lite&TemplateName=LiteKnowledgeSearchResults&BTN_SELECT[KNOWLEDGE_REF]=View


Where [Knowledge Ref] will be fed in from the current record dynamically.


This function could be used across other entities and even branch out to external links for other applications etc.

  • Guest
  • Apr 12 2017
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Christopher Forster commented
    April 13, 2017 14:49

    Good idea. We should allow the use of vFire fields as variables within hyperlinks added into rich text. I've tried this in the past and unfortunately it doesn't work.