Limit Customer Survey based on IPK Status for Calls Customer Survey systems

Add functionality to Customer Survey systems created for Calls to allow them to limit based on IPK Status. This would be useful because it would allow IT Department's the ability to only survey on one and/or many IPK status of their choosing instead of the current all or nothing. For example, our IT Department would like the ability to send customer suveys for all Calls that are of IPK Status Incident, not for IPK Status Service Requests or Problem. Under the current design of customer survey, we are unable to do this.

It would benefit IT Department by allowing more control/granularity on the types of Calls that are surveyed and additionally limit customer surveys to customers for those the IT Department really doesn't care to have surveys sent for. So it is a win-win for both sides.

It should work by allowing you to select one or many IPK statuses for Calls Customer Survey systems that you would like as part of that survey system. It could be implemented as an additional tab on Customer Survey Details, e.g. IPK Statuses, or simply made part of the Distribution tab.

  • Guest
  • May 19 2016
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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  • Peter Simmons commented
    November 28, 2018 00:57

    Also would be good by workflow template too