Filter Customer Surveys based on customer and/or group

Having the ability to filter Customer Surveys based on customer and/or group would be useful for targeting a specific customer(s) or group(s) and/or eliminating customer surveys from being sent to generic customers, or any customer for that matter, that may be used for entering Calls, but would not want to survey.

Users would benefit by being able to target specific customer(s) and/or groups they are interested in feedback from. Also, removing customer(s)/group(s) would eliminate incomplete customer surveys that would skew their metrics.

It should appear as an option on the Customer Survey Details configuration menu. I envision it being a multi QD list, which can have one or many customer records populated for inclusion/exclusion. Also, another multi QD for groups.

Ultimately, the ability to exclude is most important, since randomization of customer surveys across a broad audience is generally the goal of an ITSM tool implementation.

  • Guest
  • May 5 2016
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 07, 2016 03:07

    We would love the ability to filter out certain call types, or closure reasons- specifically, we'd like to not send a survey when a quick solution is used. It would be great to be able to dictate when surveys are sent based on any field in a call.