Knowledge Export / Print Multiple Articles (.pdf)

A project has recently requested my assistance by providing an extract of all knowledge relating to particular applications, which I attempted to provide. While the tool allows me to look up what articles we have (by way of Knowledge Admin searching), this only shows the title of articles; attempting to print the results list prints the article titles, but not the content.

I'd like to suggest that a feature is made available to export or print mulitple articles from the search results page. The ability to create 50x pdf documents showing article content, rather than going into each article and printing to .pdf, would be a huge time saver. I can see this type of request becoming more common as our knowledge management processes mature.

  • Alexander Nuutinen
  • Jul 27 2018
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Alexander Nuutinen commented
    December 19, 2018 07:59

    It can't export pictures?  That sounds unusual... Though the fact that we'd have to ask for a customisation isn't great; I'd really like for something like this to be a standard feature, so we're not having to rely on custom built components.

  • Guest commented
    August 03, 2018 16:17

    Hi,  I managed to ask Alemba to customise a report which basically allows me to select a Service/Application or multiple and run a report to provide all KBs linked to the Service with contents.  This is working great to pass on to Subject Matter Experts to review content.  However, the only thing it can't export is the pictures.