Auto-close user approval tasks after x time

We would like to auto close user approval tasks if not actioned within a set time. We are giving our users 3 days to approve a task (in our case, a device acceptance approval), and if not actioned, we will assume that they have approved it.

I've tried to achieve this outcome using Delay and Activation tasks but things get messy when the user rejects the task. It would make our lives so much easier if the option to auto-close a task existed.

  • Cindy Dennison
  • May 4 2017
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Rob Locke commented
    June 07, 2018 11:06

    This is exactly what I was looking for. using delay tasks and activation tasks is an incredibly messy way.


    In my head it would be great if when you draw the links in from an approval it went green, red then purple (submit whatever colour you want) then the third link is the route it follows if an approval is not completed within X period as I can see this as a form of escalation if the person who is supposed to approve is not doing their job on some workflows.