From a call screen when viewing the history tab (not from the expanded full history view), it would be nice to be able to minimize notes/histories to make scrolling the history more functional/streamline in this area

Current histories typically include dozens of notes, updates, emails, scrolling through it you can't normally see more than one action.  If you could minimize history events on the main incident/call page you could leave open the ones you want without having to switch to the full history view, it would make this area much more useful for review.

On the full history there is a expand/hide carrot for the histories, something like that would be great.

  • Mari Stanfield
  • Jan 19 2017
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Mari Stanfield commented
    January 19, 2017 20:19

    sidenote:  If all the history items started off minimized except the latest history in this area and the data were not loaded until the item was expanded, you wouldn't need to load the whole history when you view the call as well so it would/could benefit the load on the server and sql for larger clients

  • Janet Villarreal commented
    January 19, 2017 20:17

    with the word Expand History