Merged Feature Suggestion

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CORE-I-219 Workflow designer improvements [7]- reminder frequency.

Approval Reminder feature in Customer Approval Tasks Merged

There is a function in Calls to setup a reminder whenever you Suspend a Call.

 There isn't  a feature for Requests and I can understand why this is the case.

 However in the Request Workflows where there is a Customer Approval Task I think it would be a good idea to have a reminder or the ability to re-send the Approval email to an Approver after X number of days has passed.

 We often have the problem where managers are sent an Approval Task and for some reason do not action it in a timely manner. I have created a report to highlight these 'outstanding' approvals and each is followed up manually. I would much rather have a function in the Approval Task to do this.

 I have  created a Workflow component (with assistance from Chris Jones) that does something similar but it is cumbersome.

  • Guest
  • Jan 14 2016
  • Guest commented
    March 15, 2016 04:13

    some additional details on features for this request in