Trigger to send email to customer on 'FCB Close'

I have been asked by one of our stakeholders if there was a way to automatically send an 'update' email to a customer when the FCB button has been clicked.
I had thought this may be possible using the rules builder in IPK Workflow Rules, but although there is a 'FIRST_CALL_TIME' option in Call Fields for IPK Rules, there is no 'FCB_CLOSE' option.
I think that although there are reasons that you might not want to have this as a global setting, it could be a useful time saving feature in many circumstances.

(As a workaround, I`m adding an extra 'update' message template so once the FCB has been closed, the officer can then use the call's email functionality and manually select and send the 'update' template.)

  • Ray Hibbert
  • Mar 7 2017
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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