This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit AS-I-43 Display more than 15 select columns.
The restriction to fifteen columns in Search Results is hampering our reporting.
We use Search and dump the results into Excel for manipulation.
9.2 from 8.45 has improved the choice of fields, e.g. ability to drill from Calls into Customer record fields.
However fifteen fields is not enough per call for some funky reporting, unless you do a search, dump to Excel, change most of your columns, dump again, then copy and past the two sets of data into one set of rows.
The maximum columns in the column configuration screen is set to 15 as more than this may cause performance issues, however the Registry Key - ConfigurableColumnsSelectedLimit will allow you to set a different limit value.
Indeed, how may I forget these registry hacks when the old workaround still in my mind. Thanks Ian. =)
We just use the registry string value "ConfigurableColumnsSelectedLimit" that Gytis mentioned on the VMware community forum a while back. Works a treat.
Hi Peter, if you are talking about vFire Core (VSM) Full Client then you can easily change the list columns limit in a corresponding js file running behind columns configuration screen. Although you shouldn't set a very high limits - it may affect the system performance. Just contact me if you need any help.