It would be really useful to be able to configure PersonCoreEntity attribute PersonExcludedTemplateFields manually

It would be really useful to be able to configure PersonCoreEntity attribute PersonExcludedTemplateFields manually. The reason is that there might be some other fields which are not required to be copied from template to a person record. "DELEGATION_IND" in example. So I think it would be beneficial to load this attribute (maybe some others as well) from database or configuration file. It would be really useful to be able to configure PersonCoreEntity attribute PersonExcludedTemplateFields manually. The reason is that there might be some other fields which are not required to be copied from template to a person record. "DELEGATION_IND" in example. So I think it would be beneficial to load this attribute (maybe some others as well) from database or configuration file.
  • Guest
  • Jul 23 2015
  • Attach files
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