Add RBAC Option to view calls, approvals and requests where a ticket was logged on behalf of "you"

Many implementations allow a user to log a ticket or request on behalf of another. We usually use the SR_OtherPerson field for this. Currently, there is no way to allow a user who has had a ticket logged on their behalf to see those tickets in their portal counts. Suggest:

  1. Create a new, custom Other Person field (SR_OtherPerson has likely already been used for other purposes and a change to it may impact other capabilities and configurations).

  2. Add Option to SSP Security Role to view tasks, approvals and ticket where the user is named in this field.

Desired State: These tickets should behave for both users as if the ticket was "theirs".

  • Andria Bradac
  • Oct 11 2023
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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