Update contracts, ext suppliers, ext contact from Customer Portal

Our product and project managers can log requests from the customer portal to create new or edit existing configuration items (applications, projects, servers, etc.) via a request form that runs an update CMDB task. They cannot do the same for contracts, ext suppliers, or ext contacts. It would be helpful to allow any master data to be updated via Customer Portal to make it easier for people to use our systems and keep a single source of the truth. The competing system is SharePoint online which makes managing master data trivially easy, with next to no admin effort needed.

  • Peter Simmons
  • Jan 17 2018
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Dave Ball commented
    April 18, 2018 08:20

    This has now been reviewed by the Product Management Team and will monitor the number of votes this suggestion gets with other customers.