Extend the CMDB Bulk Update tool

extend the CMDB Bulk Update tool the other CMDB Entities such as People, Locations, Organisations, Juristictions, Contracts etc. Customers who manage the CMDB predominantly through CSV files or Manually would benefit from extending the CMDB Bulk Update tool the other CMDB Entities such as People, Locations, Organisations, Juristictions, Contracts etc. Customers who manage the CMDB predominantly through CSV files or Manually would benefit from extending the CMDB Bulk Update tool the other CMDB Entities such as People, Locations, Organisations, Juristictions, Contracts etc.
  • Product Management Alemba
  • Jul 23 2015
  • Awaiting Release Assignment
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Watson commented
    March 09, 2018 03:17

    Would like to be able to bulk update people so that you can change the security roles of multiple users or analysts in one go

  • Guest commented
    September 25, 2015 07:07

    Further extend the CMDB Bulk update by being able to replace stakeholders.

    When an officer/customer is replaced in a stakeholder role, it is very difficult to find/replace them in linked CI's.

  • +1