E-mail interval either instant or every 10 seconds rather than every minute.

Can the e-mails be sent out quicker than every minute? our previous two call logging systems just sent the e-mails instantly so our users have an expectation of the e-mail with their reference number instantly and this makes vfire feel like it's lacking as our service desk have taken to phrases like "the e-mail will be with you in a couple of minutes..."


It's not that I'm bothered about the 1 minute delay on approval tasks etc (although it's really annoying when you're testing!) but every website in the world seems to send password resets etc instantly yet using vfire we are limited to every minute or so (as it generally seems to miss the first minute change and queue for the second one)

  • Rob Locke
  • Apr 26 2017
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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