Auto Assign Calls logged by Email Officer

Allow us to Auto Assign calls based on the time of day and specified groups.

We have a dedicated Email team that works from 8am - 5pm, but our Service Desk hours are 6am - 9pm. 

What Needs to happen:

Between 6am - 7:59am the "vFire AutoAssign" service checks who of the Helpdesk group is logged in and automatically assign calls, sequentially depending on who logged on first, to the Helpdesk group's agents.

From 8am - 5pm, calls will be auto assigned to the Email Group officers, also 1-by-1 depending on who logged on first.

From 5:01pm until 9pm it reverts to the Helpdesk group as it was at 6am.

Also, have a "Auto Assign Officer" option on each Person record so that we can disable this functionality for people like the Helpdesk manager, that looks at the buckets but wouldn't really action a call.

  • Guest
  • Jun 23 2016
  • Awaiting Release Assignment
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