View, undelete, reuse deleted dynamic screen rules on request/task screens

Dynamic rules names are useful to vFire administrators because they allow them to quickly ascertain what the rule is doing. Once a rule is created on a screen, that name becomes unique and cannot be reused if the rule is deleted. Since the rule name field has a character length limitation, it may be difficult to provide a useful meaning for a rule if the one you need has already been deleted. Having the ability to view, undelete, and potentially reuse deleted dynamic rules would be helpful in circumventing this problem.

Additionally, since the table (dbo.SU_SCREEN_FIELD_RULE) that stores dynamic rules uses a primary key of REF, I don't see why rule names have to be unique or can't be reused. If an additional field was provided in the Rules tab, such as REF, and those rules were presented in the Required or Hidden dropdowns with the REF # prefacing the rule name, then it wouldn't need to be unique.

  • Guest
  • May 5 2016
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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