Enhanced rules management

Dynamic forms are awesome and we're starting to do some complex things. I have a few suggestions about ways you could make rules easier to work with:

1. Allow us to clone rules within a screen. Often you will have several rules that are all quite similar, it's painful to have to manually create each one from scratch; cloning and then editing would be much quicker.

2. Allow us to copy rules from other screen sets. You can get around this with a bit of hacking in the DB, but it would be nice to be able to copy common rules between screen sets from within the tool.

3. Add a NOT capability in field settings to save having to create multiple rules. For example, a very typical use case is "if A then field is Read Only or Hidden; if NOT A then field is Mandatory". To do this you need to create two rules, A and NOT A. It would be much nicer to only have to create rule A and just be able to NOT it when you need to.

  • David McKinney
  • Nov 10 2016
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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