Capturing & Measuring Call-Backs by users for tickets already logged & still open

Enabling the Service Desk team to easily capture customer call-backs will allow accurate reporting on the number of customer call backs to the Service Desk. Officer should not have to take action on the call as this would increase call handle time. This will help drive Continual Service Improvements i.e. once a call-back is captured we want to automate the Notification guideline based on the Priority & number of call backs for that particular incident which the call-back was made. E.g. if the call is a HIGH priority call and the customer has called back the first time then the Team Leader or Manager of the assigned group should be notified via email. If the Priority is MEDIUM and a second call back has been received then X should be notified, etc. More importantly we want to be able to demonstrate my measuring the call-backs its contribution to the Service Desk of the overall number of Answered Calls. Adding a note to the call is ineffective for the purpose of capturing Call-Backs and measuring on these.

  • Nemir Raffoul
  • Apr 26 2016
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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