See what Analyst has what Call

We can't easily look at teams queues and work out...

  1. What analyst has ownership of a call, or has had a call assigned to them.

  2. what calls are in the main team queue but not assigned to, or being worked on by anyone.

This is a really basic need, and doesn't seem to be feature of ASM. "Current analyst" isn't the answer, as the often have calls assigned to them which they haven't taken action on. Forced call ownership won't work either, as we don't often assign to an analyst directly, we often just assign to their main queue. i've been told inb th epast that this is an ITIL thing, but I don't agree. Not being able to glance at a teams queue and see who has what, and what calls are waiting to be picked up is a very common requirement of IT teams.

I've logged this but doesn't look like you're able to give a solution to this.

  • Mick Hewitson
  • Jan 8 2025
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Mick Hewitson commented
    08 Jan 09:01

    It's suggesting I'm a "guest" but I followed the sign up prompt on the previous screen. I'm Mick Hewitson, University of Brighton.