Desktop Extension to show notifications from Windows Taskbar

ASM currently relies on email to notify analysts of ticket events e.g. forwarded, updated, note added, closed etc.

This generates a lot of email traffic, especially for large organisations and it's been proven not to be very effective e.g. people ignore emails, create rules to move to trash or other folder etc.

I propose using a Desktop Extension, which could notify analysts of alerts specific to them, which has a 24 hour cache of notifications and gets reset each day.

The extension could display ticket events, bulletin boards, SLA escalations etc.

The extension could be downloaded and installed when ASM is first loaded by analyst in browser.

  • Cristian Lunga
  • May 23 2023
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
ASM10 / Other
  • Attach files
  • Haydn Walker commented
    October 05, 2023 13:50

    Love this idea.

    However there is the "Internal Message" function that is very similar, its limitation being it only shows within the ASM Core window