When a new KB item is created, we would like an email notification to be sent to a particular group. There is an option for this to occur manually, but we would like automatic email. We would like our service desk team to be aware of any new knowledge entry. It would be either of,
Notification workflow: set up a rule to trigger notification workflow, only KB field I see is profile, so its not currently possible to create a rule. Its an irony that its called 'ipk rule' but there is not much available for KB related fields to choose from.
in Designer, option to add subscriber tab in KB template , how it is available for a service action.
In sys admin KB setting , I can see option to turn on email to contributor but I cannot see option to enable a person as a contributor in KB security roles and all analysts are contributor in our instance.
other option could be a'send email' check box which sends email to any predefined group in settings.