Provide the ability to specify which partition to use in the portal

If you want to have multiple portals, HR, ICT, Facilities you need to be able to filter what is displayed to service actions, calls and requests specific to that portal. If the system is partitioned into HR, ICT and Facilities with the services and service actions in the associated partition there needs to be a way to tell the portal what partition to display items from. Currently the my calls will show calls from all partitions so a persons logged iCT calls will be displayed on the HR portal and vice versa and the service catalog shows all items. This cannot be achieved using subscriber groups which has been suggested as the users need to access all portals.

  • gordon McQueen
  • Jan 17 2023
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Ken Roberts commented
    September 13, 2023 10:26

    We have exactly the same issue. It also impact the Bulletin board and the categories. We have a shared user base that need access to all portals equally.