Self-Service Portal Service Catalog - Favorites Page

Provide the customer with the ability to mark specific service tiles as Favorites - and have them appear on their favorites page (similar to how promoted items appear on the Service Catalog landing page).  This would be very helpful for organizations with a large number of service tiles - the customer would have the ability to identify those he/she uses frequently and tag them to their favorites page.  It would also be helpful for admins to know which tiles have been tagged as favorites - might provide a direction for future service requests.

  • Guest
  • Dec 11 2017
  • Awaiting Release Assignment
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 03, 2019 02:41

    This would be amazing, as we have 6 different organisations and all areas / roles use different forms more frequently. It would be amazing if they could choose themselves which are their favourites (much like you do in IE or Chrome) so they are easily accessible for them next time.

  • Kieran Shelley commented
    December 13, 2017 00:00

    Another common comment I get from customers is to filter the most requested Service Actions to the top - ie Top 6 most requested.