Create Organisation & Location from Workflow.

We would find it useful if there was an additional option to automatically create/update organisations and locations from a workflow task. Similar to how you can currently create/update CMDB items from a workflow.

  • Josh Bond
  • Aug 17 2017
  • Awaiting Release Assignment
  • Attach files
  • Kieran Shelley commented
    August 28, 2017 05:24

    As a potential workaround you could fire an external task to call a powershell script to populate a csv file which is being polled by the integration platform to add locations and organisations. 
    @Dave's point yes be good to create everything from the update CMDB tasks and also the links.

  • Admin
    Dave Ball (Alemba) commented
    August 21, 2017 15:35

    It would also be useful to allow the Manage CMDB task to also create Contracts/Cost Centers/ Juristictions/Subscriber Groups and all the other peripheral CMDB Entities.