to be able to supply a list of what CMDB items are assigned to the customer
to be able to supply a list of what CMDB items are assigned to the customer without them having to slect the asset number from a list. Once they enter the portal a list of their items to be displayed on the forms
We have achieved this on out request forms using a data-grid widget with the following properties:
{"entityType": "configuration-item","columns": "Reference, Type:InfraEntityType.Name, Manufacturer:Manufacturer.Name, ModelType:ModelType.Name, DateTime:LastCheckedDate", "headers": "Reference, Type, Manufacturer, Model, Date of Last Audit", "filters": "UserId%20%3D%3D%20%40UserId%26%26Status%3D%3D%22A%22", "sorting": "On", "pageFilters": "[{\"id\":\"ITEM_REF\",\"apiId\":\"Asset.Ref\"}]", "orderBy": "", "sortBy": "Type:InfraEntityType.Name" }
See attached screenshot