Allow mapping more custom fields in Create Item transaction type for Manage CMDB task

The Manage CMDB workflow template task allows organizations to automate the management of their CMDB. Currently, the list of available request fields that can be mapped to CMDB Item fields in the mapping table is extremely limited.

For example, we have a custom dropdown field that is used on a service catalog call submission screen to select an Operating System for a server build. Unfortunately, this field is not available to be mapped to the out-of-the-box Custom String 4 field on the CMDB Item. I'm not sure how exactly the system determines which fields can and cannot be mapped, but having additional capabilities would allow us to automate a fair amount of work that is currently being performed manually.

As far as how it should work, I suppose either make more fields available under the 'Request' option under Value in the mapping table. Alternatively, if the Rules Builder could be exposded to somehow set values, I suppose that could be another option. I think the first option is more straightforward and continues the current functionality users are familiar with.

  • Guest
  • Oct 19 2022
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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