IPK Rules to Workflow Mapping Screen Updates

We would like the ability to sort the Rule Title and Assignment Workflow columns on the IPK Rules to Workflow Mapping screen. This would allow us to quickly organize our list of rules using naming conventions or find all rules associated with a particular Assignment Workflow easily.

We would also like the ability to add a column to the IPK Rules to Workflow Mapping screen containing the Description field from the IPK Workflow Rules Definition screen. So instead of opening each rule to check the description we could quickly scan the list or use the browser's find function to locate specific rules via key phrases.

This screen currently has no way to organize rules except by the move up and down functions. You cannot drag rules to move them around but must shift them 1 line at time. We currently have 67 IPK Workflow rules and anticipate having many more. The process of organizing the rules with just the up and down functions is time-consuming and cumbersome.

  • Guest
  • Feb 10 2022
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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