Expand NANO CI management

We have feedback about Nano screen and would like to suggest a feature enhancement.

I'm trying to make Nano available for Asset Management where Asset Manager can perform these


1. Create New CI


2. Update CI


3. Search for CI (based on CI type)


4. Perform a transaction for Software Product (example, currently an organisation has 50 license for an application and they purchase another 100 licenses and will update the total license number including the transaction when the Application were acquired)


However looking at the Alemba help portal I can see that I can only do Search and Update CI on Nano. I could not do no 1 (Create new CI) and 4 (Software Products transaction).

Alemba help portal confirmed these, see the link https://alemba.help/help/content/topics/nano/nano%20feature%20list.htm

These are what available for CMDB Items for Nano:


CMDB Item Search


• Use the Standard Search to find Resources by Title, Ref, CMDB Item Type, or Organization


• Use the Advanced Search to access all CMDB Item search fields


• Configure the columns displayed by adding or removing columns and changing their order


CMDB Item Details and functions:


• View and update a subset of standard fields and fields added to the Nano screen in Designer


• Save or Cancel changes to the details using the Save and Cancel buttons


• Generate a CMDB Item Report


• View the CMDB Linking Diagram

I have also reconfirmed this with Alemba and here is the comment:


Nano is not the interface for creating new CIs. It is a Light User or Business Operations interface for those Analysts that are dipping in/out of the application. Configuration Management activities like creating new CIs still need to be performed in the Core application.

Can we suggest Nano be improve to accommodate?


1. Search for CI (based on CI type)


2. Be able to perform transaction for Software Product


3. Create New CI


4. Update CI

  • Guest
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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