Self-Service Portal Request Review Screen should support conditional display

I have a request that has hidden sections - that only display if the user selects specific field values.  I'd like to display the fields based on rules on the request review screen - but the fields there do not support conditional display.  It would be perfect to be able to hide fields that shouldn't be displayed based on rule values.

  • Jim Weaver
  • Jan 21 2020
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • David McKinney commented
    February 20, 2020 05:48

    This is an essential imo. Also messaging templates.

  • Jim Weaver commented
    January 21, 2020 15:13

    Example:  I have a request where users can request new accounts for individuals.  The only thing that displays (at first) is the section for Account #1.  Once they have filled that section out - the section for Account #2 appears.  If they fill this out - the section for Account #3 appears and so on.  If they only selected to create 2 accounts (out of a potential 10, for example) then I only want to display those 2 sets of fields, rather than all 10.