Allow Faster Auto Refresh on Monitors

In our support desk, we'd like to have a large dashboard displayed on a screen on a wall. 

On this we would like to include monitors that show, in almost real time, to alert the teams to new calls coming in, or of call levels outstanding etc.

However, the lowest auto refresh you can enter on a Monitor is 5 minutes, some of our SLA's with customers are as low as 10 minutes for response, so if we lose 5 minutes (worst case scenario) waiting for a refresh, would jeopardize the chances of us meeting that SLA target. 

If we could set the refresh rate, to around 25s this would greatly reduce that window of opportunity for failure. 

  • Jacob Welsh
  • Apr 10 2017
  • Oct 13, 2020

    Admin response

    Monitors is no longer a supported feature in ASM v10. We have a new Dashboard Tool which has a slideshow option. This should be able to provide this functionality.

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