Update Contract Date and Period behavior so that it is more intuitive

Currently, you must enter a period and then the dates of the contract are set. However, almost all contracts are for a listed start and end date and clients would like to be able to enter the dates and have the period calculated. It might be best to give the client a System Admin option as to how they want contracts calculated - by date ranges or by period. Additionally, currently only months and days are included, however in cases where a contract spans multiple years, there needs to be a year value on the Duration.

  • Andria Bradac
  • Feb 21 2024
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
ASM10 / Core
  • Attach files
  • Todd Cunningham commented
    August 01, 2024 11:52

    This would be extremely helpful in making sure accurate contract dates are inputted into the system. With current way, you have to guess how many months and days to enter into the system. The systems current way does not take Leap Year into account. We have found instances where we can't get the exact start or end date to calculate properly due to the current method used. That makes those contracts have incorrect dates. Almost all Contracts have a start and end date and being able to just enter those dates directly eliminates the guesswork and possibility of errors. We look forward to this enhancement being implemented soon.