Merged Feature Suggestion

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CORE-I-653 Add ability to watch tasks and requests.

watched calls need to display until unwatched Merged

A supervisor may be watching a number of calls to follow progress. When a call is closed by a support officer it drops off the watch list. This call may have been considered closed by the support officer who worked on it but NOT by the customer or by the watcher.

Calls should ONLY come off the watched calls IF the watcher wants to remove them. Sometimes a work request is watched as the watcher may be re-opening the call in the future.

In general the customer should decide when their call is closed not the officer. In the majority of cases support officers do close the call but regardless they should not drop off the watched calls list until teh WATCHER decides to unwatch. 

  • wayne butler
  • Feb 17 2016
  • Awaiting Release Assignment