Log on behalf of tickets to show in portal

Show all tickets in widgets in the portal and searches where:

a) The person logging in = user. Note: the user field is put on submission forms to enter the person who you are logging on behalf of or otherwise the standard behaviour is, the user field is automatically set to the person logging a ticket in the portal

b) The person logging in = the creator of the ticket

e.g. If Joe Bloggs a PA logged a ticket on behalf of their Manager Jane Doe, then the ticket would show in the portal for both Joe Bloggs and Jane Doe.

Also, something around who notifications should go to would be good e.g. when the ticket is logged, the acknowledgement email could go to both the creator and the user.

For a) a separate field could be created for the person you are logging on behalf of rather than using the standard user field if that works better.

  • Rochelle McLaughlin
  • Aug 17 2021
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Chris Jones commented
    August 18, 2021 04:02

    not sure that you would automatically want to have the call you logged for someone else include in your calls by default, but should be a simple option to include or not