Call template and description.

Call template and description. We have a mailbox linked to our staff cessation call template. The issue that we are currently experiencing is that the call template for staff cessation description is already prepopulated with the below text : [cid:image001.png@01CFB229.C3324A90] However when that mailbox receives an email the original call description is over written - not a desired outcome, we would like the email to be attached to the call. Thoughts ? Chris is requesting that this functionality be reviewed for an enhancement request. He believes that if the Call Template description is pre populated then this should not be over written with the contents of an incoming email.
  • Product Management Alemba
  • Jul 23 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 19, 2016 23:36

    This should be a function that can be flagged in the Incoming Email Server, rather than a rule that the message body should no longer overwrite the Call Description.

  • +1