Add Email Address to Workflow Email Template without Adding a User

It would be good to be able to add an email address without having to enter in a user.


Users can be added as customers in tickets and we do not want this misused, when customer request for access to something and then put the generic account as the approver and approve their own access.


It would be good to be able to add a generic account, shared mailbox or external email address to be added to an email template without having to create a user which would only get misused.


Or if it could be possible to add hidden users. So that they cannot be selected as users or used anywhere but only in specific situations but it would be nice to be able to add an email address into the workflow Messaging Tasks instead of having to enter in a specific person, group or field or stakeholder.

  • Guest
  • Dec 20 2018
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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