Delegation - Ability for customers to update & manage their own delegate via the Portal

Note:  This is relevant to a vFire setup where passwords are not utilised.  Our organisation has single-sign on for the vFire Customer Portal and vFire Core applications.


When we explored the delegation feature of vFire, we noted that there was no option for customers to check on who they've assigned as delegates, or update the details themselves; the work would fall to IT Support (most likely the Service Centre) to maintain and inform customers of the lists.  As a result, we have not turned the delegation feature on, as it would cause far too much overhead for ourselves (and our supported organisations).  Notably the 'Password' field is always displayed, though as customers do not used their password for the customer portal, this could cause issues.

My suggestion is that customers be given the ability, via the Customer Portal, to see their current list of delegates and manage it themselves.  This would allow the customer to have control and update as required; theoretically they should know if a delegate goes on leave and needs to be replaced (far before IT Support would find out).  This would also prevent unwanted surprises, as I can imagine a scenario where a customer forgets the delegates they've assigned and, when checking, realises that they haven't been keeping it in check with staff movements.

Our customers, particularly leadership teams, would be keen for this feature so that their assistants can keep track of tasks and handle the paperwork.

  • Alexander Nuutinen
  • Dec 19 2018
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Chris Ware commented
    January 02, 2019 13:57

    Hi Alexander.
    Delegtion set up for users is available via the portal.  You would need to set it in the users portal role in order to see it and also add the option into the menu.  The user can then activate and set the users to delegate to.
    Apologies if you have looked at this and I've misunderstood