Active Directory Synchronisation logs to clearly identify which environment the log is generated from

Currently we have 4 environments - 3 testing and 1 production.  All have the Active Directory synchronisation setup with the log to be emailed to me each time.  Issue is, I end up with 4 emails that are the same and it's not clear which environment the log came from.  So if there was a synch issue, would have to go to each environment to check. 

Would be good to have the environment the log came from within the email to differentiate between them.

  • Guest
  • Apr 3 2018
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Dave Ball (Alemba) commented
    April 03, 2018 09:33

    You can amend the Email Template in Designer and the Subject Lines in the Message Types. These include the "Schedule Name" by default so you could rename the AD Synchronisation Schedule to be TEST AD Daily or PRODUCTION AD Hourly. vFire System is not currently an available field to use but the above may help in the interim.