Review Incident/Request whilst typing a Note/Email

Would be useful to be able to review other incidents/requests whilst typing a note or email on an incident/request. In addition, sometimes I need to refer to a note added on the history at the bottom but started typing the email whilst at the top and it would be helpful to be able to scroll the history rather than being locked out whilst in the email/note function.

This would benefit all users of vFire as I'm sure everyone would appreciate being able to interact with Incidents/Requests whilst adding a note or typing an email.

vFire should launch a window separately to the interface or perhaps on a Note/Email tab so that the original Incident/Request can still be accessed/reviewed and other Incidents/requests can be searched for if necessary.

  • Guest
  • Jan 12 2018
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Dave Ball (Alemba) commented
    April 18, 2018 08:21

    This has now been reviewed by the Product Management Team and will monitor the number of votes this suggestion gets with other customers.