Search custom text area fields

Searching custom text area fields would be useful because our end users would be able to find calls/requests/tasks results within vFire for screensets that may leverage custom text area fields.

It would benefit all vFire customers that leverage custom text area fields and require the ability to search them across calls/requests/tasks.

It should work much like any other custom field that is searchable from Calls/Requests/Tasks search.

  • Guest
  • Jul 7 2016
  • Awaiting Release Assignment
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 11, 2017 01:40

    This would be very useful and save a lot of time being able to search from Calls / Requests and Tasks. 

    Further to this, it would be great to have the ability to search for Tasks that have certain information in the Request(s), i.e. Request Summary or Request Description fields.

