System Creation Options - SSL Functions and Guidance

In the 9.3 Core system creation the ‘Use SSL’ is set on by default and is recommended to be used.  However, if SSL is required there is more configuration that is required to enable this to work which is not included in any of our documentation and the custom IIS errors are not specific enough to determine why the system is not running before this configuration is completed.

Can we improve the following points

  1. Set the Error Page handling in iIS to
    - Detailed errors for local requests and custom error pages for remote requests
  2. Improve the system creation step to clarify that if SSL is selected then further IIS configuration is required, and point back to This is particularly important as the screen suggests that SSL is recommended.
  3. Improve documentation on creating a new system so that if SSL is selected then the additional steps required are outlined
  • Chris Ware
  • Apr 19 2016
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files