Prevent Mail Loops and Ignore Subjects through the UI

If an Officer sends an email to a Customer who has an "Out of office" response, this will likely log a new call as the subject line of the response email will not be recognised by vFire Core.

In cases where the 'Incoming Email' server is configured to "Send auto-reply", this will cause an email loop and a great deal of unnecessary calls will be logged. This then requires DBA/Server Admin intervention to stop the Messaging Service and clear database message queues, otherwise this continues indefinitely.

vFire Core should include functionality to detect where the same email is being received, and reject or ignore the inbound message once a certain number of duplicates have been received.

  • Guest
  • Dec 7 2015
  • Awaiting Release Assignment
ASM10 / Email
  • Attach files
  • Julie Dixon commented
    September 23, 2019 15:20

    We also apply auto rules to our mailboxes to prevent this sort of multiple email which can crash our systems.  However, it would be useful if it could be built in as every few months there is another instance of this type which we could not have envisaged and we have to tidy up and apply more auto rules to the mailbox.

    The issue is 2 fold for us, the replies either update the original request and create a massive call log which then corrupts and is not openable or closeable and get stuck in no mans land, or the other is that a new call is created each time, which, if left over a weekend can be horrendous  :(

  • Guest commented
    February 11, 2016 19:52

    Hi we in the United Nations World food Programme have experienced the same problem. The way around this was to have a rule on the SMB (Shared Mail Box) where the emails are coming into that moves the Out Of Office replies to a designated folder as it hits the inbox. This you will find not be processed by the vFire Core system.

    Hope this helps.



  • Tony Bannister commented
    February 11, 2016 14:28

    Ian that's a great workaround to resolve the issue but i wonder if it would be possible either add that into the standard product or at least have a tick box option within the email server settings that adds/removes that line - or allows you to configure the email-subjects.xml within the application itself. 

  • Guest commented
    February 03, 2016 10:04

    You can already do this.  You can edit your Email-Subjects.xml file (in the Config folder) and in the "Ignore" section add a parameter for your Out of Office message subject line.  e.g. <parameter>Out of Office:</parameter>

  • Lillee Craig commented
    January 18, 2016 17:45

    This functionality is really important as we want Vfire to accept incoming emails from a customer focus perspective and the automation helps to improve agent efficiency. However the risk of  'email storms' are a serious issue as it could bring down our email exchange. Please can this functionality be reviewed asap??

  • Guest commented
    January 15, 2016 09:27

    We've experienced 5 instances of this occurring in the last couple of months, it would be great if vFire Core was able to manage these instances and break the loop on duplicate incoming emails.

  • Guest commented
    December 15, 2015 12:20

    I agree, also when another company's helpdesk email's ours the combined auto-responses can very quickly generate a lot of 'fake calls'  #WhenHelpdesksCollide

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