During the AD Connector runs, the queue assignments are erased from CR_HC_TO_GROUP.

Queue’s assignments on our international system span roles and due to a person participating in more than one role the standard queue assignments in the person template are not possible and need to be performed manually. During the AD Connector runs, the queue assignments are erased from CR_HC_TO_GROUP. Some queues remain on our production instance, but all are removed on the test system. Both have identical configurations and we are forced to run SQL updates to repair the data. Would like to know how to disable updating queue’s when running the AD Connector. Whenever an AD Integration scan is run to import/update records it uses a template. If the Person record is being updated and the template has no IPK or Workflow groups assigned, the updated Person record loses all their roles. The only way around this has been to modify Stored Procedures "CopyPersonIPGroups" and "CopyPersonCMGroups", however this can cause issues if NGC ever needed to Clone a Person record, as the functionality has been broken to stop these roles being overwritten. It is requested that the Template function has a check box (or group of checkboxes) to select what is overwritten from the template. Eg, Name, Organisation, Department, Contact Details all get overwritten, but the IPK and Workflow groups do not.
  • Product Management Alemba
  • Jul 23 2015
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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