No Automatic Wildcard for Text Searches in v9

No Automatic Wildcard for Text Searches in v9 In v8 the customer in the portal when searching for the Text within a Call or Request or CI/Service etc e.g. Testing could enter "te", "tes","test", "testi", "testin", or "testing" to return calls or CIs etc. In v9 unless the exact word "testing" is entered then no search results are returned. This is in the Portal for instance in Review Past/Current Incidents Search Text, Searching for Text in the Main App from a Call Search or searching for knowledge from a Knowlegebank Search. Have shown customer the ability to use "Related" within the main application Search Text Fields which would suffice for this, can this be passed to Product Management to add consistently the ability to do "Related" Text Searches for Calls/Requests when Reviewing them in the same way as you can for Portal Knowledge searches.
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  • Jul 23 2015
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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