Merged Feature Suggestion

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CORE-I-172 Email template colours.

Ability to change font colour of only selected text in message templates Merged

Within Designer, I selected Calls and then selected a Message Template (it does not matter which) and double clicked to edit the Email Template. I then selected one word (vFire in the screen shot below) and changed the Font colour. This then changed the Font Colour of all of the text in the message template (changed to red in the screen shot below). Options such as ‘Underline’, ‘Italics’ and ‘Bold’ all work fine i.e. they only change the characteristics of the selected word and none others whereas Font Colour changes the whole text of the template.
  • Product Management Alemba
  • May 18 2015
  • Awaiting Release Assignment