Add the submit date to relevant request views

VSM 9.1.8 Feature Request for adding the submit date to relevant request views. Feature Request: Add the field CR_REQUEST.SUBMIT_DATE to the views RV_REQUEST, RV_REQUEST_WITH_TASK, and RV_REQUEST_WITH_CMDB. Purpose: Currently the out-of-box request views allow requests that have not been submitted to be displayed in the output of the views. The requests not submitted are in customer carts and in a "saved for later" state when ordering from the portal. There is a field in the base request table which holds the submit date (CR_REQUEST.SUBMIT_DATE). With this field added to the request views, we would have the ability to filter on the submit date and display requests that are in a submitted state without the need for writing a custom view or a redundant join back to the request base table. Jim has discussed this onsite with DS. I have been asked to log this on Customer behalf
  • Product Management Alemba
  • Jul 23 2015
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
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