Option to add a custom widgit for templates in Designer

We have several workflows that use the same data in many templates, currently when this data needs to be updated, each template, Request and Task, needs to be updated.

The data comprises a site name and a simple check box with over 20 sites listed.

Any number of these sites can be selected depending on the requirements for each case.

Each month this list is revisited and may need to be updated.

We did look at using the multy sellect but found it very clunky and unreliable.

This data is for information processing by the support team and doesn't form part of any look up.

Having a widgit that can be customised so that you only need to edit the data in that one widgit and have those edits replicated to all Requests and Tasks would save time and reduce errors making it easier to maintain.

  • Ken Roberts
  • Sep 30 2022
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files